Consignor - A consignor is also known as a shipper, they are the people who are managing and controlling the dangerous goods before it is transferred to the carrier.
Carrier - A carrier is the transporter of dangerous goods. They are the person in charge of the dangerous goods while they are in transport.
Consignee - A consignee is also known as the receiver. The consignee is the person who receives the dangerous goods shipment
Classification - All Dangerous Goods have a classification which consists of it’s UN Number, shipping name, primary class, and packing group
Consolidation Bin - bins that are used to secure small means of containment, they are used so that the small means of containment will not shift and be compromised during transportation
Consolidation Bin Tag - tags that are utilized to identify the classes of dangerous goods inside the consolidation bin
Dangerous Goods - any product, substance or organism included by its nature or by the
regulations, in any of the classes listed in Schedule 1 of the regulations
Hazard Label - a small diamond shaped safety label attached to any side of the package (not the top or bottom) that indicates the class of dangerous goods contained in the means of containment
Handling Label - labels that are used to identify specific handling requirements for the means of containment
Means of Containment (MOC) - containers or packages used to carry a dangerous good in transport
Packing Group - dangerous goods are in different packing groups based on the inherent risk of the dangerous goods
Placards - large diamond shaped signs used on vehicles to indicate the class of dangerous goods being carried in the vehicle
Shipping Name - the standard name used in the transportation of dangerous goods, all dangerous goods are listed in Schedule 1 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
UN Number - a four digit number assigned to a product or substance
Regulations - refers to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations
Safety Mark - safety marks include labels, marks, placards, etc that are used to identify dangerous goods and to show the nature of the danger posed by them.