Your security is a top priority. We want you to be confident that people on GigHound are who they say they are. One way we do that is by checking for a government ID. This could be a driver’s license, passport, or identity card.
When GigHound requests proof of identity, you must submit a photo of your government-issued ID as well as a photo of yourself.
Your ID and photo are then put through a secure photo-matching process that uses a confidence score to ensure that the two faces belong to the same person.
After this has been completed successfully, we check to see if we have seen you previously. This aids us in the fight against fraud and identity theft. Because no screening system is perfect, if our system detects that your account is a duplicate, it will automatically transmit all relevant information to a GigHound auditor for manual confirmation or rejection.
A background check or security clearance may be required for some shifts. GigHound may be required to disclose your ID information with the company or governing agencies in order for these to be completed. These shifts are clearly labeled, and we will always request your consent before disclosing this information.