Are you having trouble getting into your account? Want to update or edit the information in your profile? No problem! Here you will find info on how to reset your password, change your address, increase your search radius or update your phone number.
Troubleshooting account issues
If you're having trouble logging in to your account, try resetting your password. Just follow these simple steps.
If you are having trouble verifying your account, there's a chance you may have two GigHound accounts. If you do have two accounts you will need to choose the one you'd like to keep and we can help you delete the other. Please reach out to our support specialists and they will be glad to help.
Instructions on how to reset your password.
Deactivating or deleting your account
Find out how to temporarily deactivate or permanently delete your GigHound account.
Managing your personal info
Once you're signed into the GigHound app, go to the upper-left corner and tap on your profile photo. Go to Personal info to edit things like your phone number or address. Navigate to Work info to manage your search radius, availability, and tax info.
Discover where to update your account setting and profile info.
How to change the phone number in your account.