Editing or changing details
Edit your account settingsNeed to make a change to your details? You can edit your account settings and some profile information at any time on the app. How it works Tap your profile picture icon on the upper left corner ...
Change or reset your passwordForgot your password or have trouble logging in? Time for a reset. Open the GigHound app on your smartphone and tap Forgot password. Enter the email that is associated with your GigHound account a...
How do I update my home addressKeeping your address up to date is crucial, and can be updated at any time. Find out more on why we need your address. To update your home address: Tap your profile icon on the upper-left corner...
How do I update my phone numberTo change your phone number on your account: Tap your profile icon on the top left-hand corner of the mobile app Select Personal Info Tap on Phone From here, you can update your phone number When ...
Updating your job search radiusYou can adjust your job search radius at any time depending on how far you want to commute. By updating your search radius, we’ll look for jobs near your home address or up to 50 kilometers away. ...
How do I update my emergency contactYou can add one emergency contact to your account and can update it at any time. To update your emergency contact: Tap your profile icon on the top left-hand corner of the mobile app Tap on Work...