Getting started on GigHoundWhether you're seeking part-time work to supplement your income or full-time employment, here's how GigHound works for you. Let's start with the basics and go from there. Welcome to the team! ...
Accessing your accountAre you having trouble getting into your account? Want to update or edit the information in your profile? No problem! Here you will find info on how to reset your password, change your address, in...
Help with a shiftIf you need help reserving, taking, or canceling shifts, you've come to the right place. We'll help you navigate reporting the hours you worked or canceling shifts, and explain what happens when y...
Getting paidHave questions about when or how you will get paid? Here you will find all the important information about your pay, tax information, and troubleshooting. Getting paid GigHound makes it quick a...