Health & Safety Guide
Health & Safety IntroductionThis is your personal copy of GigHound’s Health & Safety Guide for Workers. It explains GigHound’s Safety Policy, general safety rules, your Rights, information about Workers’ Compensation Insuranc...
Health & Safety PolicyEmployer Commitment and Responsibility GigHound is committed to, and responsible for, providing a safe and healthy working environment for its temporary and permanent employees. We are committed to...
Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment PolicyGigHound is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace free from workplace violence and harassment. GigHound has adopted a zero tolerance policy. All employees have the right to expect a p...
Substance Use PolicyGigHound’s primary concern and duty is to provide a safe workplace for all our employees. The use of illicit drugs and alcohol can have serious adverse effects on the safety and well being of all e...
Health & Safety Participation and Responsibilities of WorkersIt is your duty to know and follow all of GigHound’s safety rules and procedures, as well as all of the client’s job site safety rules and procedures. Each employee has specific responsibilities to...
WHMIS AwarenessWHMIS stands for Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. This program provides information regarding how to identify hazardous materials, how to work with hazardous materials and what to ...
The Client SiteWhat GigHound does… Before sending you out on an assignment, GigHound visits our client worksites to confirm site-specific safety information, hazards and to understand your responsibilities while ...
Non-Routine WorkIt is prohibited for any employee to engage in non-routine work without having had a pre-work meeting. Notify your GigHound Representative of any requested changes in your job duties, or if you’r...
Incident & Hazard ReportingThe purpose of this policy is to outline a procedure to follow when reporting hazards. By identifying safety hazards, GigHound is increasing your knowledge of the hazards that may exist in the w...
Right to RefuseGigHound has created a Right to Refuse Policy and step-by-step process regarding your right to refuse work. This process explains what the right to refuse work is, in what context it applies and th...
Fire safety educationIt is critical to understand what to do in the event of a fire. Knowing the foundations of fire safety and the necessary equipment can allow you to respond safely and effectively in the case of an ...
Prohibitive Work ListIt is GigHound’s policy to only accept work which is within acceptable levels of risk and which we can appropriately recruit, screen and ensure the safety of our workers. As a result, a list of pro...
Safe Operating Procedures and Safety RulesTo reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace, the following general safety rules and procedures are preventative measures to be observed by all Workers. They are minimal guidelines for working ...
Hot WorkYou may be assigned to client worksites, who, at times, perform work (e.g. welding) which may require hot work procedures and this policy is intended for that purpose. It is generally understood...
Personal Protective EquipmentGigHound recognizes that certain work sites require the use of Personal Protective Equipment. GigHound does assign temporary workers to a broad range of environments. GigHound client worksites may ...
Operator Pre-Use InspectionGigHound does assign temporary workers to client worksites which at times do have machines and equipment which may require pre-use inspections and this policy is intended for that purpose. It is...
Injuries on the JobAccident, Illness & Incident Reporting Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. Workers have the responsibility of reporting accidents to their immediate client supervisors and a GigHound Represe...
Accountability and Disciplinary Action for Safety ViolationsThe following process has been established to ensure that employees understand the established policy for discipline related to violating the policies, practices and rules contained in this Health ...
Final InstructionsThis Safety information in this guide is for your benefit. It is provided to help you work safely at assignments from GigHound. Also, in the event that you are injured on the job, it will inform yo...
Worker Help CenterAs noted throughout this Guide, GigHound has a Worker Help Center available to you. It can be accessed at and click on the Workers Tab. This guide and our Health & Safety Policies...
Worker’s Right to PrivacyGigHound respects the right to privacy of its workers in the application of this policy. For more information regarding GigHound’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please see...